Saturday 18 October 2014

I can't help but be grateful to the Mancunian rain. The heady smell of all that charred bark in the back yard - and the rich tang of gasoline - has been wiped away by successive downpours. I can bear to look out of my windows now.


I'm reminded of another House of Leaves quote. "Through all the windows I only see infinity."
 Originating somewhere else, too, because I know that it was referencing another author's work.

But all that's beyond me right now. Speaking of that book though, I've been reading The Poetics of Space, by Gaston Bachelard. House of Leaves draws a lot of inspiration from it - especially in the Echo chapter. It's pretty good reading, though I can't say I've gotten that far into it yet. But we never get far into much, do we?

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